zondag 7 april 2013
20 april 2013 Grote Dhikr/bijeenkomst in Ridderkerk met eregast Sheikh Hassan Dyck
Vanaf 20 april 2013 is er elke derde zaterdag van de maand een grote dhikr-bijeenkomst. Eregast, Sheikh Hassan Dyck zal hierbij aanwezig zijn.
Johan Sebastiaan Bachstraat 2A
2983 AB Ridderkerk
Programma start om 20.00 uur
dinsdag 4 december 2012
Dhikr @ moskee An-Nur te Waalwijk
Op zaterdagavond 15 december om 18.30 uur vindt er een bijeenkomst plaats in de moskee An-nur te Waalwijk.
Programma ziet er als volgt uit;
+/- 18.30 uur Inloop / ontvangst
+/- 19.00 uur Isha gebed
+/- 19.30 uur Start Dhikr met als inleiding Surat Yaseen
+/- 20.30 uur Avondmaaltijd (Turkse- en Molukse gerechten)
Hoe de avond exact verloopt weet Allah (swt) het beste.
Moskee An-nur (witte moskee langs de A59)
Noordstraat 270 te Waalwijk
zaterdag 23 juni 2012
Seyh Mehmet Adil (sohba te Rotterdam)
Salaam Aleykum! Bij deze wordt iedereen uitgenodigd om de lezing van Seyh Mehmet Efendi (zoon en khalifa van Mevlana Seyh Nazim Al Hakkani) bij te wonen, die zal plaatsvinden op dinsdag 26 juni na de middagsgebed(circa 1400uur) in de Ghausia moskee (pakistaanse moskee) te Rotterdam-Zuid. Hierbij wordt iedereen verzocht om kennissen en vrienden uit te nodigen om de lezing bij te wonen. Iedereen is van harte welkom! Het adres van de Ghausia moskee is; Boudewijnstraat 57, Rotterdam.
Met vredesgroet,
Ihsân de Jong
donderdag 7 juni 2012
Hadj Luqman effendi (RA)
AL FATIHA voor Hadj Luqman Effendi (RA)
Donderdag 5 juli vanaf 19.00 uur zal er bij Sheikh Abdurrahmaan een dhikr-bijeenkomst plaatsvinden. Op die dag is het 40 dagen geleden dat Hadj Luqman effendi (RA) deze wereld verliet. Hadj Luqman Effendi is op zijn verjaardag overleden (zondag 27 mei 2012 om 19:00) en tegelijkertijd op de 7de dag van de heilige maand van Allah, maand Rajab. Moge Allah hem genadig zijn en hem in het paradijs opnemen. Ameen! Wij vragen aan iedereen om minimaal Al-Fatiha te reciteren.
donderdag 24 mei 2012
vrijdag 4 november 2011
Concern over Saudi heritage site demolitions
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is zeer ontdaan over deze situatie!
By contrast, Dr Irfan Al Alawi, executive director of the Islamic Heritage Research Foundation said, the Saudi government could learn much from the Ottoman empire who went to great lengths not only to preserve heritage sites, but also educated people about them. "They taught people not to worship these sites, but there is no reason why one cannot go there to seek the blessing of praying at places where for instance the Prophet (SAW) might have gone to pray, just as his Companions had done."
Asked how much this Saudi position on heritage had to do with Wahhabism, he said: "A lot. There is a definite strategy which had a lot of influence from the Wahhabi movement and it is going stronger as Makkah is being modernised. The Wahhabis believe in tauhid. They do not believe in intermediary from the Prophet. At the same time, they have this sickening ideology that only they are right and those who don't believe as they do, are demonised. Yet we forget that Makkah is in fact a sanctuary to all Muslims, yet I'm afraid that it has become like a Las Vegas."
By contrast, Dr Irfan Al Alawi, executive director of the Islamic Heritage Research Foundation said, the Saudi government could learn much from the Ottoman empire who went to great lengths not only to preserve heritage sites, but also educated people about them. "They taught people not to worship these sites, but there is no reason why one cannot go there to seek the blessing of praying at places where for instance the Prophet (SAW) might have gone to pray, just as his Companions had done."
Asked how much this Saudi position on heritage had to do with Wahhabism, he said: "A lot. There is a definite strategy which had a lot of influence from the Wahhabi movement and it is going stronger as Makkah is being modernised. The Wahhabis believe in tauhid. They do not believe in intermediary from the Prophet. At the same time, they have this sickening ideology that only they are right and those who don't believe as they do, are demonised. Yet we forget that Makkah is in fact a sanctuary to all Muslims, yet I'm afraid that it has become like a Las Vegas."
zondag 30 oktober 2011
al-Habib Ali EXPOSED Wahabi sect
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